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Um ein gefürchteter Ninja zu werden, musst Du Dich in Ninjitsu üben. Ein Ninja hat die folgenden Spezial-Eigenschaften:

Name Mana Skill Information
Ninja animal form.gif Animal Form 0 0 Rabbit (20 bonus points to stealth skill)
Ninja animal form.gif Animal Form 0 0 Rat (20 bonus points to stealth skill)
Ninja animal form.gif Animal Form 0 40 Cat (increases regeneration rate - based on the Ninjitsu skill)
Ninja animal form.gif Animal Form 0 40 Dog (increases regeneration rate - based on the Ninjitsu skill)
Ninja animal form.gif Animal Form 0 50 Giant Serpent (inflicts low level poison w/ non-ranged weapon)
Ninja animal form.gif Animal Form 0 50 Bullfrog (inflicts poison when you're damaged at short range)
Ninja animal form.gif Animal Form 0 70 Ostard (increases movement speed)
Ninja animal form.gif Animal Form 0 70 Llama (increases movement speed)
Ninja animal form.gif Animal Form 0 85 Wolf (bonus for hit-chance & max. hitpoints + movement speed incr.)
Ninja animal form.gif Animal Form 0 85 Bake-Kitsune (bonus for hit-chance & max. hitpoints + movement speed incr.)
Ninja animal form.gif Animal Form 0 100 Unicorn (movement speed & immunity to low level poison)
Ninja animal form.gif Animal Form 0 100 Ki-Rin (movement speed & quick stamina reg.)
Ninja backstab.gif Backstab 30 20 An attack from stealth with a damage bonus based on your Ninjitsu and the distance you have tracked your target.
Ninja surprise attack.gif Surprise Attack 20 30 An attack from stealth that inflicts a defense penalty on your opponent for a short duration. You cannot re-enter stealth for 5 seconds after a surprise attack.
Ninja mirror image.gif Mirror Image 10 40 Creates a mirror image of yourself that may absorb damage when you are standing within 4 steps of it. A mirror image consumes a follower slot and will disappear in 30 to 60 seconds.
Ninja shadowjump.gif Shadowjump 15 50 Allows you to teleport while maintaining stealth, but only if you succeed in a stealth check at your destination.
Ninja focus attack.gif Focus Attack 20 60 Increases both your damage and the percentage chance for 'hit' properties on your weapon for one attack.
Ninja ki attack.gif Ki Attack 25 80 An attack that does greater damage based on how far you travel to your opponent from the location where you initiated the Ki Attack. You must reach your target in under 2 seconds.
Ninja death strike.gif Death Strike 30 85 After receiving a Death Strike, if the opponent moves more than five steps, or five seconds elapses, they will suffer direct damage determined by the attacker's Ninjitsu.